
4th Week of Lent : Saturday 20th March 2021

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Who is Jesus to you? Do you have a relationship with Jesus?

4th Week of Lent : Saturday 20th March 2021

Jer. 11:18-20; Ps. 7:2-3,9-10,11-12;
Jn. 7:40-52 (Ps Wk IV)

Jeremiah, the prophet, was complaining to God about the infidelity of the people. They had been sacrificing offerings to Baal, and Jeremiah had been demanding that they stop. It was not in keeping with the Judaic tradition — they were only to make sacrifices to the God of Israel.

The people were angry with Jeremiah, and they schemed against him. In turn, Jeremiah took his complaints to God, asking God to punish the people for he was being persecuted for following God’s law.

Do you ever feel that you are persecuted for doing the right thing?

It was the Feast of the Tabernacles, and Jesus had just told the people that he could provide living water, the source of which was traditionally the Temple. The crowd reacted in different ways — some said Jesus must be a prophet, some said the Messiah and some doubted Jesus could be either, as he came from Nazareth.

Yet the temple police refused to arrest Jesus as they were amazed at his words. Nicodemus also spoke in Jesus’ defence. There is always a mixed reaction to Jesus. Who do you say that Jesus is? Have you received the living water that Jesus offers?

 Lord, help me to listen to Your words with an open heart.

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