
2nd Week of Lent (B) : Monday 1st March 2021

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  • 2nd Week of Lent (B) : Monday 1st March 2021

Lord, help me to be humble, loving and forgiving.

2nd Week of Lent (B) : Monday 1st March 2021

Dan. 9:4-10; Ps. 78:8,9,11,13;
Lk. 6:36-38 (Ps Wk II)

Genuine confession of sin requires honesty and humility. Many people prefer to minimise their own responsibility, preferring to blame others or society for their failings. Nations and Churches do the same thing. Israel’s temple had been destroyed, and the people led into exile in Babylon.

Daniel’s prayer is a humble admission of sin on the part of the nation and a plea for God’s mercy and healing, which was, of course, granted. No real healing and restoration can take place until there is acceptance of responsibility — it is the gateway to the future. We need to practice this daily. ‘I’m sorry’ are very powerful and healing words.

Jesus urges us to be merciful — not just because it is ‘nice’, but because God is merciful. If we want mercy, we have to give mercy. If we want forgiveness, we must be willing to grant it to others. If we don’t want to be judged and criticised, we must refrain from doing this to others.

We live in a moral and spiritual universe. If we want to be part of God, we must be as loving and forgiving as God at least as much as we are able.

Lord, may I have a loving and forgiving heart! Amen.

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