Lord, help me to love You and my neighbour, as You love us
3rd Week of Lent: Friday, 20th March 2020
Hos. 14:2-10; Ps. 81(80):6-9,10-11,14,17;
Mk. 12:28-34 (Ps Wk III)
Hosea prophesied just before the destruction of Israel by Assyria. He spoke of how the Israelites had moved away from God and had become like a wayward child. God was angry but was also filled with compassion because God loved Israel.
In this passage, God pleaded with Israel to repent and promised that the people would be restored as God’s beloved. It is easy to see God’s compassion in these verses. God always longs for his people to return to him.
The passage from Mark includes one of a series of controversies that Jesus had with the Jewish priestly rulers. The scribe was knowledgeable in the Law and the Scriptures. It was not a hostile conversation.
The scribe wanted to know what was the most important commandment. Jesus responded by quoting the Hebrew Scriptures — first, love God and then love your neighbour.
The scribe not only accepted what Jesus said, but he even acknowledged that these commandments were more important than temple sacrifices.
We too must remember that love of God and neighbour is more important than all else.
Lord, help me to love You and my neighbour as You love.

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