
3rd Week of Easter : Wednesday 4th May 2022

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Lord, be my sustenance and strength

3rd Week of Easter : Wednesday 4th May 2022

Acts 8:1b-8; Ps. 65:1-3a,4-5,6-7a;
Jn. 6:35-40 (Ps Wk III)

Saul’s first appearance in the book of Acts was not impressive. He was a zealous persecutor of the Church. People have often done terrible things believing that they are doing God’s will. Even Christians have taken this wrong path.

We should not presume to know God’s will as     rigorous discernment is necessary before we dare to claim divine authority for our actions.

Jesus revealed Himself as the bread of life – the bread come down from heaven – and insisted that whoever came to Him would never hunger or thirst again, and that He would not turn anyone away. He was speaking of Himself as the one who sustains and feeds us. But we must be of the mind and heart of Christ for this to occur. He will also raise us up on the last day, for He came into the world for our sakes. Jesus must be as important to us as the food we eat; it is He who feeds our soul. To whom do we turn for inner strength?

Lord, be my sustenance and strength.

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