Lord, grant us the courage and love to tell others about You
4th Week of Easter : Monday 9th May 2022
Acts 11:1-18; Ps. 41:2-3; 42:3,4;
Jn. 10:1-10 (Ps Wk IV)
As we read Acts 11:1-18, let us read Acts 10 to get a fuller picture. In these texts, two people, St Peter (10:9-29; 11:5-12) and the Roman centurion, Cornelius (10:1-8, 30-33; 11:13-14) had a vision each. Racial and religious barriers were overcome through these visions and their obedience to what was asked of them. In the end, St Peter could say, “I now really understand … that God has no favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him” (10:34-35). After this statement, St Peter shared the Good News with his Gentile (non-Jews) listeners. And as they were listening, the Holy Spirit came upon them (10:44; 11:15). In response to this divine manifestation upon the Gentiles (10:44-46; 11:17), St Peter “gave orders for them to be baptised” (10:48). And that was how the first Gentiles became Christians (11:18).
Do we have racial and religious prejudices that prevent us from sharing the Good News with others? Are we open to leaving our comfort zones and “holy huddle” to go over to others and reach out to them with the message of God’s love for them? Are we willing to follow the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit to respond to and put into action whatever is asked of us – so that others too will believe in Jesus, have their sins forgiven (10:43) and receive the gift of eternal life?
Lord, grant us the courage and love to tell others about the Good Shepherd and the Resurrected Christ.
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