
4th Week of Easter : Thursday 29th April 2021

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St Catharine of Siena, virgin & doctor

4th Week of Easter : Thursday 29th April 2021

Acts 13:13-25; Ps. 88:2-3,21-22,25,27;
Jn. 13:16-20 (Ps Wk IV)

In today’s Gospel, Jesus has just washed his disciples’ feet (Jn.13:16). This was an extraordinary act of service. Now he is beginning to share his thoughts with them before he leaves them. We can rightly expect that what he will say will be of great importance for them and all who wish to be known as his modern-day followers and disciples.

Referring to his washing of their feet, Jesus tells them that if they are worthy of the name of a disciple, they must have a plan similar to his. Their duty and glory will be to serve. Their position is not to be sought for the recognition and advantages it brings but because it enables us to serve.

We were prepared for this by St Paul in the first reading. Near the end of the reading, he drew our attention to John the Baptist. Once John was clear that Jesus was the one on whom he was to shine the light of the testimony, he immediately stepped out of the limelight.

On the other hand, we are being saturated by blatant claims for privilege, appreciation and power. So, some would regard “service” as an effective way of self-advancement.

Of course, service is a noble and worthy pursuit. Simply, humbly and quietly, we can do every job we do as a service for which we do not demand a reward. If we receive a simple “thank you” we will be surprised and very pleased.

Heavenly Father, help me be a quiet, low key and happy servant of those who could benefit from my  service.

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