Jesus, I trust in you
Divine Mercy Sunday (A) – 2nd Sunday of Easter : 19th April 2020
Acts. 2:42-47; Ps. 118(117):2-4,13-15,22-24;
1 Pt. 1:3-9; Jn. 20:19-31 (Ps Wk II)
One of the apparent contradictions in the Gospels is the timing of the coming of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel according to St John, when Jesus breathed his last breath, he handed over the Spirit to the Church, symbolized and represented by Mary His Mother and the Beloved Disciple standing beside his Cross (Jn. 19). Today, we read that, on Easter morning, he breathed the Spirit on his Apostles in the upper room. Then there is Luke’s account of Pentecost, 50 days after the Resurrection.
Any account of any event includes several details, such as place, time, people present, and people’s reactions, and so on. In assembling the material recorded in the Gospels that bear their names, the evangelists were not just collectors of material. They were very creative writers and editors: according to their God-given talents, they told the story of Jesus in such a way as to ensure that the book they gave to the Church was a highly effective and inspiring presentation of the mystery of our faith. They omitted some details, adapted others to fit their presentation; they put special emphasis on others. All the versions are true with different emphases.
Holy Spirit, give us the grace to be able to read the Scriptures with an open and enlightened mind and heart and so deepen our faith.
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