Lord, help me to point people to You by the way I live my life
3rd Week of Advent : Wednesday 16th December 2020
Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps. 84:9-10,11-12,13-14;
Lk 7:19-23 (Ps Wk III)
Isaiah emphasizes that the Lord is the only God. The Lord created the entire universe — both good and evil, light and darkness. Salvation and righteousness were also provided by the Lord.
Throughout the passage, God repeats that he is the Lord, and there is no other, and there is no one other than God who can create such beauty. The people are implored to turn to the Lord and be saved.
John the Baptist heard what Jesus was doing and wanted to know if Jesus was the promised Messiah. As he was in prison at the time, John sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus. Rather than responding directly to their question, Jesus told them to tell John what he had been doing — healing the sick, the lame, the deaf, the blind, and lepers, as well as raising the dead. Isaiah had written that these were signs of the presence of God. John the Baptist received an indirect answer — Jesus’ deeds spoke for themselves. Do our deeds allow people to know that we are followers of Christ?
Lord, may others see You in all that I say and do.
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