What about us? Do we acknowledge that who we are and what we have comes from God?
32nd Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 13th November 2019
Wis 6:1-11; Ps. 82(81):3-4,6-7;
Lk. 17:11-19 (Ps Wk IV)
Those who have authority and power bestowed on them on earth must know and understand that they are subject to God’s scrutiny, so that they may behave and act in ways that are wise and just to all. This is the advice that Wisdom has for earthly kings and rulers. For God is the source of every king’s authority, and as a result, he governs his land on God’s behalf.
Therefore, “as administrators of his kingdom”, if they have not been good or just rulers, they will face God’s swift and terrible judgement. Indeed, harsher judgement is reserved for those in power when compared with the lowly because the latter are already at a disadvantage in their lives.
The psalmist for the day takes up this cry as he declares, “Arise, O God, judge the earth”. He prays that the Lord will bring justice to the weak and the orphan, and defend the afflicted and the poor. Power as it should be exercised by someone in authority is demonstrated by Jesus when he feels compassion for the ten lepers who cried out to him for healing. Jesus gives them a command, which they obey while still unhealed. But on the way, they discover they are indeed healed.
However, like earthly kings who fail to acknowledge that their authority comes from God, the lepers who did not thank Jesus failed to acknowledge that their healing comes from God.
What about us? Do we acknowledge that who we are and what we have comes from God? Hopefully, we do.
Lord, help me realise that everything comes from You.