
28th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 16th October 2019

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  • 28th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 16th October 2019

St Hedwig, religious

28th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 16th October 2019

Rom. 2:1-11; Ps. 62(61):2-3,6-7,9;
Lk. 11:42-46 (Ps Wk IV)

As far as GOD is concerned, what is essential is that the. ‘inside’ (heart) be cleansed of greed and wickedness. GOD, our maker, sees the inside and the evil within persons! Alms giving will cleanse one of all evil: giving out of generosity to those who have less than us, the poor and destitute!

The Pharisees and Scribes were known for their strict observance of the law and the teaching of the Prophets; they would be horrified even by an accidental transgression of the minutest point of the law! Such stupidity can only make us vain and self-sufficient but not holy!

We all fall victims of externalism and legalism in Religion, when we become preoccupied with superficial aspects of carrying out our religious duties!

Love and love alone can define a Christian! “By this will all know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

LORD lead me into love and truth.