Lord, teach and guide us in discerning what is right in God’s eyes
25th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 22nd September 2019
Am. 8:4-7; Ps. 113(112):1-2,4-6,7-8;
1 Tim. 2:1-8; Lk. 16:1-13 (Ps Wk I)
Today’s gospel reading presents to us, followers and disciples of Christ, the need to be able to distinguish between worldly attractions and Kingdom values.
We are reminded of the crave for material possessions in today’s world forgetting that everything comes from God’s generosity and we are only the stewards. The unjust practices to exploit the poor as in the first reading is what the world endorses. Money and wealth have become a god. All these are short-lived and we need the spirit of wisdom to lead and guide us everyday in order to recognize the temptation we are confronted with in the world. We need to discern what is of God and what is not. We are called to be detached from excessive want of material possessions in order to follow Jesus in his selflessness, simplicity and humility to serve others with love.
We cannot serve both God and wealth (Lk.16: 13). We need the wisdom to see the present realities in the light of eternity.
In the second reading, Paul encouraged the offering of prayers for others especially for those who govern our country and those in authority. Let us continue to model after Jesus’ revolutionary leadership in listening & empowering others instead of being authoritarian in one’s approaches. The Spirit of prayerfulness needs to be an essential part in determining what is right or wrong according to Christ’s way of life.
“Lord, teach and guide us in discerning what is right in God’s eyes.”