Lord, help us to bring life into other people’s lives
24th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday 17th September 2019
1 Tim. 3:1-13; Ps. 101(100):1-3,5,6; Lk. 7:11-17 (Ps Wk IV)
The Gospel carries a story indicating not only the power of Jesus but also His sensitivity to the sufferings of others. As Jesus and His disciples enter the town of Nain, they come across a large funeral procession. It is a tragic case. A woman has just lost her only son and she is also a widow. It is no wonder that there are so many mourners. To lose an only son is tragic for any person but for a widow in those days it was particularly sad. That son was the only source of her support. Without him, she had nothing to depend on.
In the Scriptures among the most unfortunate in society are always numbered as orphans and widows. Both were without the protection and support of a family in a society where most people could barely manage for themselves. Jesus is touched with compassion for the woman. He approaches the dead man lying on the open bier and orders him to rise up. He is being called to new life. Jesus gives him back to his mother, who must have had tears of gratitude in her eyes. It meant a new life for her also. Let us also, individually and together, in our limited way do our best to bring life into other people’s lives.
Jesus has proclaimed life through the Good News.