Use your talents to glorify God
21st Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 31st August 2019
1 Thess. 4:9-11; Ps. 98(97):1,7-8,9;
Mt. 25:14-30 (Ps Wk I)
Today’s parable of the three slaves is challenging. At the end, the third slave is thrown into darkness. The first slave, however, is rewarded. So what is the difference between these slaves?
The first person uses the gifts he has been given by the master. He actively puts these to work, and eventually bears fruit. This is risky, he may be rejected or lose what he has. However, he still chooses to risk.
The third person is led by fear. He does not dare to try. He passively waits. In the end, he is punished.
Each of us has been given talents and abilities by God. God invites us to take a chance and use these .. at home, work, church or in society. When we use these gifts by serving others, we may not always be appreciated; we may even be rejected. However, by actively using our gifts, we live out the purpose of our lives. We also bring glory to God.
No wonder, Paul encourages the Thessalonians to not just love, but to love generously. This love may involve risk and sacrifice; it may take time and effort … but it leads to eternal life.
Can I name three talents the Lord has given me?