God's faithfulness to me
Scripture: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for His name’s sake. (Ps. 23).
Note any new awareness, or repetition of an awareness you already have, of God’s care for you. What was happening in your own personal life when this inner knowledge became real for you? If, at this moment, you feel a deepening of that awarenss, however little, stay with it.
Desire: That I may know a deep confidence in God’s caring for me, as I continue to wonder at my own personal existence.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, open our hearts to you.
(spend some quiet time in prayer with Jesus … speak to Jesus… hear Jesus… feel His Presence with you)
Closing Prayer for each day
Lord Jesus, your Sacred Heart is always open in love to each of us, especially when we are suffering. To all who come to you seeking your help, you show your compassion and healing power.
You care for us when we are lost, sympathise with us in loneliness and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us when we are weakest. You reach out your hand to us when we stumble and have most need of your help. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask… (make your request silently)
If what I ask is not for my own or other’s good, grant me always what is best, that I may build your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. Amen.

Online Versicherungen berechnen People praying the Sacred Heart Novena and Prayers with you, since 16th June 2022