
28th Week, Ordinary Time (Year A) : Monday, 16th October 2023

Daily Word Of God

Luke 11:29-32

The crowds got even bigger and he addressed them, ‘This is an evil generation; it is asking for a sign. The only sign it will be given is the sign of Jonah. For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of man be a sign to this generation.

‘On Judgement Day the Queen of the South will stand up against the people of this generation and be their condemnation, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, look, there is something greater than Solomon here.

‘On Judgement Day the men of Nineveh will appear against this generation and be its condemnation, because when Jonah preached they repented; and, look, there is something greater than Jonah here.’

Today's Pointers on God's Word

As you read the passage what words, phases or meanings caught your attention?

  • Signs are importantfor us to find our way especially when we are lost in a place.  Signs are also important in relationship to help us gauge whether a person loves us or not.


  • In today’s Gospel, Jesus is upset at the Jews because they have ignored the many signs of the Truth of the Good News of Salvation through His preaching and miracles to show that He is the Messiah. They continue to live in darkness of sin.


  • Jesus is upset at the blindness and the lack of desire for the Jews to accept the Good News of Salvation.  Do we have similar “lukewarm and inauthentic” faith in us?