
2nd Week of Easter : Thursday, 11th April 2024

Daily Word Of God

John 3:31-36

John the Baptist said to his disciples: ‘He who comes from above is above all others; he who is of the earth is earthly himself and speaks in an earthly way. He who comes from heaven bears witness to the things he has seen and heard, but his testimony is not accepted by anybody; though anyone who does accept his testimony is attesting that God is true, since he whom God has sent speaks God’s own words, for God gives him the Spirit without reserve.

‘The Father loves the Son and has entrusted everything to his hands. Anyone who believes in the Son has eternal life, but anyone who refuses to believe in the Son will never see life: God’s retribution hangs over him.’

Today's Pointers on God's Word

As you read the passage what words, phases or meanings caught your attention?

  • Jesus the Son of God, out of compassion for us, came into this world fully as a man. While He proclaimed the Truth of Salvation, He experienced fully our human joys and struggles of life without losing His divinity.
  • In His compassion for us, He will never abandon us. We are all called to believe in Him at all times.
  • When we experience the compassion of Jesus, we are also called to share this with others especially the needy and the poor. This will be our testimony of our acceptance of Jesus in our lives.