
Easter Week 2nd : Saturday 22nd April, 2023

Daily Word Of God

John 6:16-21

In the evening the disciples went down to the shore of the sea and got into a boat to make for Capernaum on the other side of the sea. It was getting dark by now and Jesus had still not rejoined them.

The wind was strong, and the sea was getting rough. They had rowed three or four miles when they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming towards the boat. They were afraid, but he said, ‘It’s me. Don’t be afraid.’ They were ready to take him into the boat, and immediately it reached the shore at the place they were making for.

Today's Pointers on God's Word

As you read the passage what words, phases or meanings caught your attention?

  • When John recounted the apostles being alone at sea in a storm He described the situation as spiritually “dark”. John said that they were frightened.


  • Are we not like the apostles when we experience adversity? While the Lord may seem distant to us though He is constantly present.  When we are in our darkest moments, we need to trust God more for He will never abandon us.


  • The Lord keeps watch over us at all times, and especially in our moments of temptation and difficulties.  When calamities or trials threaten to overwhelm you, how do you respond?  With faith and hope or with fear and anger?