6th Week of Easter: Ascension Thursday
6th Week of Easter: Ascension Thursday, 30th May 2019
Ascension of the Lord (C)
Acts 1:1-11; Ps. 47(46):2-3,6-7,8-9; Heb. 9:24-28; 10:19-23; Lk. 24:46-53 (Psalter proper)
Paul gained the attention of the Athenians by pointing out their statue to an unknown god — something familiar to his audience. Paul was able to use this as a stepping-off point to explain how God, the Creator of the universe and the giver of life to every creature, remained close to each person. Paul spoke in ways that would be understood by his pagan audience. He did not quote Scripture that would be unfamiliar to the Athenians.
Like Paul, when we speak to people about God, we need to use words and images that they will understand. We need to speak clearly and gently for we are not trying to impress with our knowledge; we are asking God to use us to speak to the hearts of others.
There were some things that the disciples would not understand before Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus promised them the Holy Spirit, who would be able to guide them “into all the truth”. Jesus explained that the Father had belonged to him too. Whatever the Holy Spirit told the disciples would be from the Father through Jesus.
There would be a direct communication line from the Father to the disciples through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. How amazing that must have seemed to the disciples! And how amazing it is for us to realize that, if we are open to the Holy Spirit, we have access to God’s message to each of us.
Lord, help me to listen to the Holy Spirit.