4th Week of Easter: Wednesday
4th Week of Easter: Wednesday, 15th May 2019
Acts 12:24-13:5; Ps. 67(66):2-3,5,6,8; John 12:44-50 (Ps Wk IV)
The first communities of those following Jesus were filled with the Spirit. They received day to day guidance under the influence of the Spirit, and in this story, we see that decisions were also taken under direction of the Spirit. Saul (Paul) and Barnabas were to be set aside — the Spirit had a special mission for them. The Spirit would do a lot for and with us if we would only listen and open our hearts to its direction. For many, the Spirit is a theological doctrine and not an experience. It was not always so…let us light the Spirit’s fire again in our hearts.
John’s Gospel sets the bar very high — accepting or rejecting Jesus is the same thing as accepting or rejecting God the Father — the one who sent him. Jesus is the image of the unseen God — not a physical image, but one of love, light, mercy, forgiveness, and wisdom. Jesus revealed what the Father commanded him to reveal. Those who reject him have only themselves to blame and Jesus has not come to judge or condemn anyone. The only ‘punishment’ is that they deprive themselves of the gift of God. We can hope and pray that the seeds sown in their hearts — and ours — may grow and bear fruit, even if it takes a while. Jesus does not give up on anyone.
Lord, may I be open to Your Spirit.