
4th Week of Easter: Tuesday, 14th May 2019

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4th Week of Easter: Tuesday - St Matthias, Apostle

4th Week of Easter: Tuesday, 14th May 2019

Acts 1:15-17,20-26; Ps. 113(112):1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8; John 15:9-17 (Ps Wk IV)

With the death of Judas, the remaining eleven Apostles felt the number twelve should be restored.  There were two possible candidates who would merit being called Apsotle. After choosing by lot, Matthias took over with the other Eleven the responsibility  of an Apsotle, which was to hand on, with accuracy and in its entirely, the message of Jesus’ life, teaching, suffering, death and resurrection as the Incarnate Son of God.

Perhaps, the very heart of that Tradition is expressed in today’s Gospel reading. It is part of the long discourse at the Last Supper which is recorded for us in John. It begins with Jesus saying: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.” And we remain in that love by extending it to every person we meet. This is a very special kind of love. It is not a grasping, clinging love. On the contrary, it is an outreaching love, unconditionally wanting the wellbeing of the other. This is the love which the Father extends to Jesus and it is the love that Jesus extends to us. And we in turn are to pass it on to others.

This is the message that Matthias and his fellow — Apostles inherited and which they passed on. It is for us to spread the same message and it is done most effectively not by words but by the witness of our mutual caring for each other.

What I command You is to love one another.