
17th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 24th July, 2022

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  • 17th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 24th July, 2022

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Dear Friend in the Lord,

Jesus’ Prayer Advice”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus taught His disciples to pray the “Our Father” prayer.  Ponder on, “This prayer seeks Jesus’ Father’s Will in all our needs in life viz., to forgive and to overcome the temptations and trials of our faith.  And to persevere in our prayers, as God will never fail us.  What is your prayer life like?

Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

Luke 11:1-6, 8-9

Once Jesus was in a certain place praying, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’

He said to them, ‘Say this when you pray:

“Father, may your name be held holy,

your kingdom come;

give us each day our daily bread,

and forgive us our sins,

for we ourselves forgive each one who is in debt to us.

And do not put us to the test.” ’

He also said to them, ‘Suppose one of you has a friend and goes to him in the middle of the night to say, “My friend, lend me three loaves, because a friend of mine on his travels has just arrived at my house and I have nothing to offer him”. I tell you, if the man does not get up and give it to him for friendship’s sake, persistence will make him get up and give his friend all he wants.

‘So I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.’