
Lent 5th Wk: Monday 30th March, 2020

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  • Lent 5th Wk: Monday 30th March, 2020

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Compassion – Gospel: In today’s Gospel, the scribes and Pharisees brought an adulteress to Jesus, and asked Him whether they should follow the Law of Moses, to stone her to death.  Ponder on our lives.  “Do we condemn others for their sins, without any compassion?”  “Are we not sinners ourselves?

  Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

John 8:1-7, 9a

Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At daybreak he appeared in the Temple again; and as all the people came to him, he sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman along who had been caught committing adultery; and making her stand there in the middle they said to Jesus, ‘Master, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery, and in the Law Moses has ordered us to stone women of this kind. What have you got to say?’

They asked him this as a test, looking for an accusation to use against him. But Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. As they persisted with their question, he straightened up and said, ‘Let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone at her.’ When they heard this they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest, until the last one had gone.