
5th Sunday of Easter (A) : 10th May 2020

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Lord, be the centre of my life

5th Sunday of Easter (A) : 10th May 2020

Acts 6:1-7; Ps. 33(32):1-2,4-5,18-19;
1 Pt. 2:4-9; Jn. 14:1-12 (Ps Wk I)

Even in the early Church, there were conflicts. The Christian community was looking after the vulnerable, yet it seemed that the Greek-speaking widows were being neglected. Up to this point, the apostles had been looking after the needy as well as preaching and celebrating the liturgy. But they realized they needed to have a separate group of people serving, so seven men were chosen, and the needy were taken care of more effectively. The conflict was resolved.

We each have our ministry. Peter was encouraging the Christians to embrace their calling to be a holy priesthood open to receiving the mercy of God. United in the faith, they were to proclaim the good news: they were all called from darkness into the light of Christ.

The disciples had been with Jesus for a long time, but they still did not really understand who Jesus was. Jesus proclaimed his uniqueness when he claimed to be “the way and the truth and the life” as well as the way to the Father.

Following Jesus and living the way that he showed the disciples is the way to the Father. Jesus told the disciples, and he tells us that believers in him will be empowered to do the things that Jesus did!

Do we truly believe in this power?

 Lord, be the centre of my life.

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