Saints Philip and James, Apostles: Friday
SS Philip and James, Apostles: Friday, 3rd May 2019
1 Cor. 15:1-8; Ps. 19(18):2-3,4-5; John. 14:6-14 (Ps Wk II)
Paul reminds the Christians in Corinth that the gospel he had preached to them is not mere doctrine but one that has the power to save them. According to Paul, even now the gospel continues to save them if they remain faithful to what he had taught them. If they do not persevere in the same gospel, then, their conversion would have been vain. Paul also states that he had taught what he himself has received, that is, the gospel based on the tradition going back to the time of Jesus. At the core of the gospel is that Christ died, he was buried, he was raised and he appeared. In this way, Christ’s death and resurrection fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures that the promised Messiah would save humanity from sin.
In his gospel, John emphasises the message that the source of Christian hope is not based in a method or in a procedure, but in a person. Jesus himself is “the way, and the truth and the life”. Through and in Jesus, one comes to the Father, knows the Father, and sees the Father. This is because there is a perfect union between Jesus and the Father, and therefore, Jesus’ words and works are the Father’s. Since the disciples are united with Christ, they too will do the works that Jesus has done. The readings today remind us that the gospel that we believe and proclaim, the words and works that we do, are all founded on Jesus and his death and resurrection. Everything else about our faith radiates from this truth.
Lord, help me live the gospel.