Sts. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs, pray for us
4th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Thursday 6th February 2025
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 47:2-4, 9-11; Mk 6:7-13 (Ps Wk IV)
Religion has always been tinged with fear. People want to approach the divine and holy, and yet there is often uneasiness or even terror. Many want to draw closer to God but not too close! Hebrews focuses on the fear that people have often felt but gives us comfort and assurance.
In Jesus Christ, we approach the city of the living God. In this city, there is no fear or suffering, and certainly no violence or exclusion. It is God’s city; darkness, anger, and hate do not dwell there. Neither should they dwell in us!
It must astound us how Jesus has no fear of sharing his power and authority. Jesus sent the Apostles out on an important mission. They were to heal, cast out demons, and give hope. Above all, they were to preach repentance, understood as a change of heart and mind. But there was a ‘catch’ – they were to take absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs. No money, no food, no spare clothing.
Would any of us embark on a journey under those conditions? And yet they were to rely totally on the guidance and protection of the Spirit and the kindness of others. By trusting totally in God and refusing to be distracted, great power flowed through them, and they performed many miracles. Travel light; trust in God. Fear nothing, even if people reject the very kindness that comes from God Who sets them free from enmity and prejudice.
Lord, grant me the grace to trust in the way You trust Your disciples.

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