Lord, let us not become untouchables for those in need
4th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 4th February 2025
Heb 12:1-4; Ps 21:26-28, 30-32; Mk 5:21-43 (Ps Wk IV)
Biblical scholars would refer to the structuring of the Gospel text today as a typical “Markan sandwich,” wherein a story is narrated but inserted in the middle, is another tale which is followed by a return to the original story.
The main story concerns the request made by Jairus for Jesus to heal his ailing daughter. Jairus’ specific request for the Lord to “lay his hands” on the girl introduces the theme of touch into the narrative. What follows is that people were crowding around Jesus, physically touching him. Here the story switches to the second tale. In the crowd is a woman who is dying from haemorrhage and she believes that any physical contact with Jesus will heal her – even touching Jesus’ cloak. Hers is a faith-driven touch that granted her a miraculous healing. The story switches back to Jairus’ daughter who is now reported to have died but this does not stop Jesus from going on to take the girl by her hand and commanding her to get up: Talitha, kum!
The lesson here is that physical touch, combined with personal faith in Jesus, can indeed bring about miracles. Both express our desire to be in contact with Jesus and our faith in Him. This happens whenever we receive the most Holy Eucharist: there the Lord becomes the physical food that touches our bodies and gives us life meant to be lived to the fullest for God’s glory.
Dear Lord, You have touched our lives deeply, let us not become untouchables for those in need.

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