St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop, pray for us
4th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Monday 3rd February 2025
Heb 11:32-40; Ps 30:20-24; Mk 5:1-20 (Ps Wk IV)
The call to prophecy has never been uncomplicated. Many prophets and holy men and women in Israel’s history endured persecution, torture, and martyrdom. They suffered willingly and did not see themselves as ‘victims.’
Hebrews admires and praises their faith but points out that they did not receive the reward for which they all hoped – at least not immediately. The promise was fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We still suffer many things, but we know that the Lord is with us and that all our experience has a meaning and purpose. Faith and patience are companions – both must go together.
The socially unapproachable situations are targets of hope for Jesus. He is the Holy One. Jesus entered where we dread to go; the most unlikable places and people. Look at the pitiable Gerasene demoniac who seemed to be beyond hope. He had lost everything – even his humanity and human community. He lived among the tombs – the dead – a place of horror and uncleanliness for Jews. Many demons had taken hold of this poor fellow.
Jesus expelled the demon and restored the man’s dignity and place within human society. There are so many in our world that seem to have lost their humanity. Perhaps we know some of them. We can never turn our back on them, for the Lord is always ready to bring them into the light. Jesus is more powerful than any sin, illness, or weakness.
Lord, increase my hope that in You every effort to raise the sense of dignity is not in vain.

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