
3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Friday 31st January 2025

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St John Bosco, Priest, pray for us

3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Friday 31st January 2025

Heb 10:32-39; Ps 36:3-6, 23-34, 39-40;
Mk 4:26-34 (Ps Wk III)

To have steadfast faith and do the Will of God and receive the promise in God’s Kingdom, the Lord teaches us to trust in Him and to learn to give our best from the school of nature. In the parables of the growing seed and the puny-sized mustard, Jesus described the labours of the farmer in tilling the land. The farmer would scatter the seed, water and add fertilizer. However, whether the seed would grow or not was totally beyond the farmer’s control. Hence, the Lord teaches us that our abilities alone are not determinants of true growth of faith in the Kingdom of God, trusting God the Provider is.

In the most insignificant and limited circumstances, the mustard seed has its purpose. Here, humility leads us to real trust. When we see sheer sizes of grandeur as a measure of greatness, we forget that the bushes for birds to take their refuge are made from little seeds.

The Lord directs our attention from our self -acclaimed grandeur to the emerging grandeur of the little ones who have potential to learn and perform greater than us in the kingdom of God. The education of the children entails our contribution in the transmission of trust among people and faith in God. While we prepare and make necessary steps to achieve our intentions for others, let us not forget that God schools everyone to firstly trust and hope in Him.

Dear Lord, may I never waiver to give my best and to trust Your grand purpose of magnifying Your glory in my littleness.


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