
3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Monday 27th January 2025

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  • 3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Monday 27th January 2025

St Angela Merici, Virgin, pray for us

3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Monday 27th January 2025

Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 97:1-6;
Mk 3:22-30 (Ps Wk III)

Surely the phrase “fight fire with fire,” is familiar to you. If your aim is to put out the fire, then this motto will be a defeating act. After all, the bigger fire will just devour the smaller one and it will continue to burn. The simple and logical antidote is, we use water or sand to put out the fire.

Similarly, we cannot fight evil with evil, “two wrongs will never make a right.” The people who accused Jesus of using demonic power to fight evil were malicious. It is apparent that they refused to see and acknowledge the good that Jesus did. Can we sense their accusations actually expose their own self inflated ego and envy?

The most glaring warning by Jesus to everyone is to watch out against being trapped into a self-condemned state of sinning, which is defying the good and painting everything as evil. When good is non-existent even within oneself, then it is a tragic case of defying the holiness within. Do examine your reaction when you see others doing something good and beneficial. Are you inclined to harass spitefully? Or are you willing to see beyond your warped emotions and be awed by the finger of God at work?

When our defective lenses are replaced with the lens of Jesus, we are able to see our needs purified from our prejudices and biases.

Lord, help us to see the inherent good You work in everyone to gather us all in the spirit of Fratelli Tutti.

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