St Vincent, Deacon & Martyr, pray for us
2nd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Wednesday 22nd January 2025
Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 109:1-4;
Mk 3:1-6 (Ps Wk II)
Jesus was appalled at the people because they were watching to see if He would cure the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath in order to later use it against Him. It’s still the same even today, religion is being used, in the words of Jesus, to do evil instead of good, to destroy instead to save lives.
In His time, Jesus was grieved to find the majority of people so obstinate. He became very angry at their nonchalant attitude. For us too, we may get angry at watching the news, or even experience it ourselves, when the majority keeps silent over injustice due to imposed adherence to biased religious practices. The poor and the marginalised are oppressed with no one to stand up for them. Can we at least say something, even though it may inconvenience us?
In the distant past, Melchizedek, king of Salem, a priest of God Most High, was a king of righteousness and peace. Jesus took on the role of Melchizedek, but He suffered and died for standing up for the poor and the marginalised. Over the centuries, many have suffered and died for the sake of righteousness regardless of their religious background. Why are we afraid to stand up to this role? For the common good, we can do it together, for example putting forth a common united voice against injustice done to certain groups of humanity and even to creation.
O Lord, give us the unified courage to speak and offer avenues for justice and peace.

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