We are not lepers externally but what about an unclean heart and wounded image?
1st Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Thursday 16th January 2025
Heb 3:7-14; Ps 94:6-11;
Mk 1:40-45 (Ps Wk I)
Mark’s Gospel reading today illustrates two necessary attitudes for healing. One is the courageous confidence of the leper and the other is the boundless compassion of Jesus the Lord. Lepers, publicly known as outcasts, had their wounded image further scarred by being classed as untouchables. The fact that the leper came among the people (which was a battle for him, being untouchable) demonstrates an exceptional courage to make his own way to Jesus. Imploring, kneeling down to Jesus, the leper submissively turned to Jesus for recognition. It is a total surrender of his wounded image and fate, as if saying ‘my life is in your hands now, whatever you do with it, I will accept.’
We are not lepers externally but what about an unclean heart and wounded image? Are we courageous enough to name them and submit to God?
The boundless compassion of Jesus is seen in His outstretched hand to touch the leper, His unexpected visitor who remains ever hopeful. Jesus’ response “I am willing,” has the intensity to give every compassion he has to heal. In actual fact, Jesus reformed the image of the deformed leper into a dignified human person. God always stretches His compassionate hand to reform the disfigured image we have of ourselves.
When issues drag us to distort our self- image, revisit today’s encounter between the leper and Jesus. God will not fold His hand but stretch out to anyone who calls Him courageously from the heart.
Dear Lord, touch me to courageously trust in Your deep compassionate healing.

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