God wants all to live in harmony and peace
St Francis Xavier, Priest : Tuesday, 3rd December 2024
1 Cor. 9: 16-19, 22-23; Ps. 116: 1-2;
Is 11: 1-10/ Lk 10: 21-24 (Ps. Wk. I)
Would it not be wonderful if the earth were free
from violence and fear? If people did not have to struggle
to stay alive or to have the necessities of life? Isaiah paints
a beautiful picture of the world that God wants – one in
which no living thing needs fear another. Animals,
serpents, people – all would live in harmony and peace. He
muses that the whole earth would be full of the knowledge
of God. This knowledge would not only be intellectual in
nature but would reflect the experience of an encounter
and relationship with the living God that all people would
have. There would be no pain or death on God’s holy
mountain, which is not a place but an inner state of
awareness of God’s presence.
The joy of knowing the sublime presence of God’s
invisible hands in His created works is not something that
we figure out purely by human means. St Francis Xavier’s
arduous amd treacherous missionary journey to Asia was
not without joy. He taught children to sing the Creed. On
many occasions, he, like Jesus, rejoiced that recognising
God’s presence is not exempted from the simple. On the
contrary, it is a divine knowledge which the “wise”and
“learned” are too proud to learn. In this instance, simple
means humble and open to being taught. The “wise” are
often resistant to learning new things. God is our teacher, if
we will but listen humbly and with open hearts and minds.
Lord, teach me Your humble ways.

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