Lord, grant me the grace to forgive my enemies and pray for my persecutors
ST STEPHEN, FIRST MARTYR : Thursday 26th December 2024
Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59;
Ps 30:3-4, 6, 8, 16-17;
Mt.10:17-22 (Ps. Wk. IV)
The Church celebrates the feast of St Stephen
Protomartyr today. Does celebrating the martyrdom of an
innocent man a day after the birth of Jesus conflict with our
exultant Christmas spirit? Jesus warned, “…you will be
dragged to bear witness for my sake.” – Matt 10:18.
‘Martyr’ derives from the Greek for ‘witness’ and St
Stephen was the Church’s first martyr. He bore testimony to
the truth of his faith in words and deeds, even unto death.
Ordained as a deacon for work of charity, St Stephen was
aslo a fervent evangeliser “full of grace and power” who
believed that charitable social commitments and courageous
proclamation of the faith were inseparable. His faith was not
a political or philosophical concept but one so deeply rooted
in a tangible relationship with Jesus that it gave him srength
for his martyrdom – to witness the truth of Christ Jesus and
His Church. His union with Jesus caused him to imitate his
Master as the Trinitarian image appeared before him in his
last words of total abandonment and forgiveness – “Lord
Jesus, receive my spirit.. do not hold this sin against them.” –
Acts 7: 59-60.
As we celebrate Jesus’s birth into our human world, we
too marvel that as an infant He can accomplish wonders in
our dying. Not all are called to be martyrs but no one is
excluded from the call to holiness, St Stephen’s life is
instructive to us in this regard.
Lord, grant me the grace to forgive my enemies and pray for my persecutors.

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