Lord, may the good news of Your birth raise hope in others
NATIVITY OF THE LORD (Day Mass) : Wednesday 25th December 2024
Is. 52:7-10; Ps. 97:1-6; Heb. 1:1-6;
Jn. 1:1-18 (or 1-5,9-14)
(Psalter proper)
Good news, peace, and salvation – that would be great
news indeed, especially in our own time. And the one who
runs across the land to bring this wonderful news is blessed.
The good news is the sovereign rule of God. It may appear
that others control our world but that is only temporary. We
have had a steady diet of bad news. Perhaps we can help
God’s cause by bringing good news and hope to others in
our celebration with convincing words, thoughts and deeds.
The one whom we proclaim as the good news is the
reflection of God’s glory, the exact imprint of God’s very
being.’ All power and honour belong to Him, and He uses
it for our benefit.
If Christ is for us, who can against us? The Word –
Christ – became flesh and human and dwelt among us.
Jesus Christ is one of us and He brought spirit and flesh,
heaven and earth, together in harmony. If we believe this,
we can never mistreat another human – or, for that matter,
another creature – with cruelty, unkindness, or contempt.
Birth of another human is a joy but also entails a
co-responsibility. Christ’s birth is not just for humans but
for all creation, so we must treat birth with greater respect
and care. The words in these few lines are powerful –
indeed, only when they are practiced in the lives of
believers. Let us delay no more.
Lord, may I take responsibility for the good news of Your birth to raise hope in others.

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