Lord, guide us to examine the inclinations of our hearts
FOURTH WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Monday 23rd December 2024
Mal. 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps. 24:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14;
Lk. 1:57-66 (Ps. Wk. IV)
The prophecy of Prophet Malachi portrays John
the Baptist as herald to the Lord who will act as refiner
and purifier of silver and gold. “I am sending My
messenger to prepare the way before Me, and the Lord
whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple. He
will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like
gold and silver, until they present offerings to the Lord
in righteousness.” The sacrifices offered by the priestly
Levites have moral implications.
Hence, the appearance of John as Elijah, will turn
the hearts of the Fathers to their children, and the
children to their Fathers. In the ceremonial naming of
the child, all hearts turned to the couple and the child.
While everybody expected, and even argued, the
custom of naming according to the household be kept,
Zechariah stunned them by engraving on the tablet “His
name is John.” The change of household name from the
priestly Zechariah to John is a reverence of God’s
command received in the sanctuary. Zechariah’s broken
silence by his power of speech astonished his
neighbours and relations. All who heard the marvels
treasured them in their hearts. Indeed, they were filled
with awe and wonder. So, they wonder what baby John
will become, as assured the hand of God was upon him.
For us this Advent, we pray the hand of the Lord
guides us to examine the inclinations of our hearts.
Lord, enlighten my mind and heart that I may know the leanings of my heart will always be You.

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