Lord God, be gracious to our hearts longing to welcome You
THIRD WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Friday 20th December 2024
Is. 7:10-14; Ps. 23:1-6;
Lk. 1:26-38 (Ps. Wk. III)
Prophet Isaiah had us revisit the ordeal of King Ahaz
who was perturbed by the demands of the kingdom of
Syria and Israel to battle against Assyria. Ahaz refused.
Then, the two kingdoms planned to attack Judah instead.
In a turmoil, King Ahaz was asked to seek God’s divine
intervention in a sign. However, he refused because he
trusted his own ability. It was then that Prophet Isaiah
proclaimed that God’s abiding presence and rule would be
through a woman who would bear a child whose name
would be Emmanuel, which means God-is-with-us.
As we ponder, women, with the birth of a child, are in
danger in time of impending war, But now, the sign that
Prophet Isaiah foretold is more enduring and lasting. St
Augustine had profound insight on the birth of a child –
every child born into the world is a sign that God has not
given up on man. Hence, we should regard with reverence
that every new birth is God’s marvel to remedy the
crooked line of our history.
Now, the annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel and
Mary’s Magnificant become marvellous events that
changed our human history in the birth of a child under
inconceivable circumstances. In adverse situations, our
hope is passed on through living stories and promises. The
dialogue between the Archangel Gabriel and Mary
showcases the open and receptive communication between
God and man now reconciled, rectifying human’s refusal
to submit to God’s divine intervention.
Lord God, be gracious to our hearts longing to welcome You.

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