St Lucy, Virgin & Martyr, pray for us
SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Friday, 13th December 2024
Is. 48: 17-19; Ps. 1: 1-4, 6;
Mt. 11:16-19 (Ps. Wk. II)
During a conversation, have you ever felt that the
other person is not listening? This can be frustrating. But
the Lord knows this pain.
Today Isaiah explains that if the Israelites had
listened to God, they would have had peace, and wellbeing.
Unfortunately, their choice not to listen led to exile
in Babylon.
Jesus compares the people of Israel to children
playing: when things do not go as they expect, they get
upset. John the Baptist calls people to conversion. Yet
this austere message is not pleasing to their ears and so
many ignore him. In contrast, Jesus comes, engaging
with ordinary people in their daily lives, including eating
with the poor and the outcast. Yet this kind of love does
not conform to their expectations of the Messiah. So,
they do not listen to Jesus, God’s message brings life but
it is often ignored. “But wisdom is proved right by her
deeds” (11:19). Ultimately, its truth will become evident.
Today we remember St Lucy, a young woman who
chose to listen to Jesus instead of the world. Lucy offered
her life to Jesus at an early age and so refused to marry.
This angered a suitor and she was martyred for her faith
in 304 A.D. Jesus came into our world and listened
patiently to us in silence. Hence, we know that the last
word is not from the world but God’s. And it is a
consoling word.
Jesus, listening to You is challenging but it brings
life. Help me to hear Your voice this Advent.

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