Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us
SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Thursday, 12th December 2024
Is. 41: 13-20; Ps. 144: 1, 9-13;
Mt. 11: 11-15 (Ps. Wk. II)
The passage from the Prophet Isaiah is that of
God’s people in exile in Babylon during the 6th century,
B.C. That they are not in the best of times is deduced
from thr words Isaiah the prophet used of them – “poor
worm…puny mite”. However, God brings a message of
consolation to them, assuring them that “I am holding
you by the right hand, do not be afraid, I will help you.”
Though seen to be puny weaklings, God will make
them so mighty that they will become “a threshing-sled
with double teeth” that crush their enemies into “chaff”
and be blown away.
Through prophet Isaiah, God assures the weaklings
in exile of a grand transformation into prosperity. Into
their lives God promise miracles – the “barren heights,
valleys, wilderness and dry ground will become rivers,
fountains, lakes and water springs”. Then, there would
be fruitfulness everywhere (“cedar trees, acaias,
myrtles, olives, juniper, plane tree, cypress”)!
Jesus assured us that the least will be considered
greater in heaven. The greatness of St John the Baptist
is in preparing us to encounter the Lord. His words “let
Him increase, while I decrease” is truly a continuation
of the mission of Prophet Elijah to redirect our attention
to God. Whenever we are deemed weaklings and the
least, let us be reminded that the Lord will never
abandon us to overcome the challenges we face. In due
time, our fruitful and fulfilling lives will bear witness to
the glory of God.
Lord, in our smallness, we bless Your name forever.

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