St Damasus I, Pope, pray for us
SECOND WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Wednesday, 11th December 2024
Is. 40: 25-31; Ps. 102: 1-4, 8, 10;
Mt 11: 28-30 (Ps. Wk. II)
To those who are overburdened with sin and
become powerless in the face of life’s uncertainty after
the destruction of Jerusalem, Propher Isaiah brings the
message of hope that God will console, strengthen and
restore them to new life. God is rejuvenating the vitality
of life among the weary.
This vitality is seen in Jesus who speaks of Himself
metaphorically as the ‘yoke that is easy and the burdens
he carries as light.’ To be yoked to Christ therefore, is to
place ourselves under His guidance and care. We learn
from Him and submit to His authority. It is an authority
to serve the deepest need. In our life’s journey, with its
untrodden contours of ups and downs, Christ Jesus is
pulling right beside us, balancing our load of burdens and
indicating moments to pause so that we can rest and not
exhaust our ability wastefully.
As we allow ourselves to shoulder the yoke of the
day with Christ and learn from Him, Who is gentle and
humble of heart, let us internalize His values and imbibe
His spirit. In doing so, we imitate Jesus to be a “yoke”
that is easy for others. Our approach to people who are
overburdened by life’s challenges then will be not adding
burdens to them nor exploting their strength to do
strenuous devotions, but directing them to seek rest by
submitting every care to the Lord for their
Lord, You are humble, raise our eyes to
acknowledge those who humbly lighten the burdens of
our day.

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