ADVENT - Everything resounds with joy to one who prepares well
SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT (C) : Sunday, 8th December 2024
Bar 5; 1-9; Ps. 125: 1-6; Phil 1: 3-6, 8-11;
Lk. 3: 1-6 (Ps. Wk. I)
What would you feel and how would you react if you
knew everything that is waiting for you? David Whyte’s
poetic lines – ‘To feel abandoned is to deny the intimacy of
your surroundings. Surely, even you, at times, have felt the
grand array; the swelling presence, and the chorus,
crowding out your solo voice.’ Could this be John the
Baptist’s experience too? His solo voice soon became the
chorus of voices of the Church, to prepare the Way of the
Lord by straightening our paths of hospitality and loyalty.
Advent is closely associated with “Prepare well.” This
theme runs through the readings of Prophet Baruch and St
Paul’s letter to the Philipians. Despite the exiles’ mourning
and destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem the prophet
Baruch extols the exiles to prepare for their return in glory
since God has named them “Peace through integrity and
honour through devotedness.” Then St Paul further exhorts,
“the One who began this work in you will see it is finished
when the Day of Jesus Christ comes.”
As we respond to the voice of John in the wilderness,
let us remember that repentance and forgiveness are part of
the preparation. Only with this interior disposition in us
would the resounding voices of joy of the carols at the
malls and homes be meaningful and awaken people from
“their slumber that the salvation of God is at hand.”
Everything resounds with joy to one who prepares well.
Dear Lord, may our joy in singing carols resound
with the forgiveness You grant to our repentance.

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