St Nicholas, Bishop, pray for us
FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Friday, 6th December 2024
Is. 29: 17-24; Ps. 26: 1, 4, 13-14;
Mt. 9: 27-31 (Ps. Wk. I)
Jerusalem had gone through some bad times and
this situation had been addressed earlier. However, the
tone changed as God began to promise better times for
the people. There was hope for the future. The deaf and
the blind would understand when they read the scroll.
“No longer will the house of Jacob be ashamed, nor will
their faces grow pale. For when they see in their midst
their children, the work of My hands, they will
acknowledge My name as holy.” Without shame to
receive instruction, the people would come back to
worship the Lord God. We can see great similarities with
our own time. Many who are physically able to hear and
see are deaf and blind in spiritual matters. We pray that
these people will come to know the peace and joy that life
with Christ can bring.
Two blind men came to Jesus as He was walking
along. They wanted to see again so Jesus asked if they
believed He could heal them. They emphatically declared
that they did believe. They had faith and Jesus even
mentioned their faith as He healed them. Jesus didn’t
want to draw attention to Himself so He instructed them
not to tell anyone. Of course, in their excitement and
amazement at being able to see, the men told everyone
with no more shame. Are we that excited to share with
others what Jesus has done for us? If not, why not?
Lord, please help me to share Your goodness.

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