
FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Thursday, 5th December 2024

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  • FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Thursday, 5th December 2024

Lord, guide me to be wise in my choices when
faced with superficial privileges

FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Thursday, 5th December 2024

Is. 26: 1-6; Ps. 117: 1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27;
Mt 7: 21, 24-27 (Ps. Wk. I)

The Scripture passage from the Book of Isaiah is
from a Psalm of trust in God. God’s kingship is
contrasted with that of human kings who failed to reign
propely. The nation suffered badly because they
oppressed the poor and neglected them.The holy city
has been captured by a foreign army and the Temple
destroyed. With God in-charge, however, the city and
the nation are secure in His hands and will be in a state
of peace. It will remain so as long as the people trust in
God and are faithful to Him.

Jesus forewarned the disciples against false
prophets and foolish leaders. These so-called prophets
love the influence and the authority religiosity brings

A true disciple orientates his or her whole existence
on the words of Jesus: “to hear and to put into practice”.
In doing so, he or she will not be easily swayed to attain
fleeting privileges. Unlike the religious rulers who
succumbed to temptations and failed in their leadership,
true followers of Jesus will be solid when the going gets
tough, because they practice true resilience against
superficial privileges. Let us beware of false and foolish

Lord, guide me to be wise in my choices when
faced with superficial privileges.

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