St. John Damascene, Priest & Doctor, pray for us
FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT (C) : Wednesday, 4th December 2024
Is. 25: 6-10a; Ps. 22: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6;
Mt. 15: 29-37 (Ps. Wk. I)
In the multiplication of the loaves, it may be
naturally assumed that the miracle lies in Jesus’ ability to
increase the number of loaves (and a few small fish)
required to feed the thousands hungry crowd. What if the
miracle lies in the change in the attitude of the people in
the crowd? Consider the scenario.
It is conceivable that the great number of people who
come to see Jesus for healing would have brought some
food with them. Jesus was meeting the people in the hills
of Galilee. Some, if not many in the crowds, came
prepared with refreshments for themselves. Certainly the
food of an individual or a family would not be enough to
go around but if everyone was willing to share what they
had brought, would not there be enough to feed everyone,
with scraps leftover still?
Perhaps, at first, everyone was only thinking about
their own needs. Seeing how generous the Lord was with
His ministering, the people experienced a conversion from
thinking about themselves to thinking about others. This is
the real miracle of the loaves. After all, Jesus wants us to
imitate Him im all good works. If He used His divine
power to physically multiply the loaves, how can we,
human beings in our turn, do that? We can however,
inspire people to be generous by being generous ourselves
and leading simply by example.
Lord, may our lives testify to others that the greatest
miracle is to change ourselves, our way of thinking and
doing things appreciatively.

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