Lord, in every moment prepare me not to fear Your judgement
34th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Thursday, 28th November 2024
Rev 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3;
Ps 99:2-5; Lk 21:20-28 (Ps Wk II)
The passage from the book of Revelation describes the fall of Babylon. An angel from heaven, acting under orders from the heavenly court, announces the downfall of the city. Soon, another angel hurls a great millstone into the sea. It is a sign that Babylon will sink and never rise again. Both angels then present the reasons for the condemnation and destruction of Babylon and proclaim the lamentations that will be evident in the city as a result of its fall.
The destruction of Babylon is a story about the conflict between those on the side of God and those with the forces of evil. All who have suffered at the hands of Babylon are to rejoice. The nations are to praise God for avenging the blood of its prophets and saints. The heavens and the earth are to sing with joy over the destruction of the city. The heavenly assembly is to sing a song proclaiming God’s judgement and justice. Conflict and crisis are not the last word.
Jesus speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem. A terrible situation where some will be killed, others deported as captives and dispersed and Jerusalem will be desolated. In spite of these calamities, the Son of Man will come again, accompanied with signs in the heavens and on earth that will overwhelm the human race with fear. However, as the faithful, we are prepared to “stand erect, hold our heads high, because our liberation is near at hand.”
Lord, in every moment prepare me not to fear Your judgement.

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