Dear Lord, let whatever You entrust upon my hands be put to the benefits of all who seek You
33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday, 20th November 2024
Rev 4:1-11; Ps 150:1-6;
Lk 19:11-28 (Ps Wk I)
The Parable of the Ten Gold Coins challenges us to reflect on how we use the gifts and resources entrusted to us. We could relate that the nobleman’s departure represents Christ’s ascension and the ongoing mission of believers in His absence. Each servant is given a gold coin which is equivalent to four months of the servant’s salary. It symbolizes the unique talents and responsibilities we each possess.
The differing outcomes for the servants highlight the importance of initiative and faithfulness. Those who invest their gold coins and return a profit are rewarded, while the servant who hides his gold coin out of fear is rebuked. This teaches us that God expects us to take risks for His kingdom and actively engage in our faith.
Moreover, the parable emphasizes accountability. Each servant is called to give an account of their actions, underscoring that our choices do have consequences. It invites us to consider how we use our abilities and resources to serve others and advance God’s purpose. For at the end of day, everyone is to give an account of himself to God. (Rm 14:12)
Ultimately, this passage encourages us to step out in faith, embrace our roles, and recognize that our efforts, however small, contribute to a greater mission. It is a reminder that God values our willingness to act and that our faithfulness in little things can lead to greater responsibilities in His kingdom.
Dear Lord, let whatever You entrust upon my hands be put to the benefits of all who seek You.

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