St Margaret of Scotland; St Gertrude, Virgin pray for us
32nd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Saturiday, 16th November 2024
3 Jn 1:5-8; Ps 111:1-6;
Lk 18:1-8 (Ps Wk IV)
Jesus teaches us to pray always without cease. This invites us to reflect our attitudes towards prayer and God. Do we allocate certain moments of the day to pray? Do we pray intensely when we desperately feel something must be resolved or remedied? Are there familiar prayer moments to God in our life? Our striving in prayer, however, must be rooted in faith. God is our focus.
We gripe when we feel that God has not answered our prayer, and we feel abandoned. Then we start to think that God did not listen to our prayer. But as we continue to stay along with the persistent widow in her pleading to the judge, we notice the change in the judge’s regard towards her request for justice. The judge was perturbed by her resilience and rendered justice to her in the end.
It is a simple parable by Jesus to reveal that God is inviting us to be persistent and patient in our prayer life. It can be exhausting to wait for God’s answer to our prayer. We need to keep in mind that before we start our prayer, God knows what is in our hearts and why we pray. Still, it is necessary for us to do our part. In fact, God is creative in answering our request. God waits for the right moment to open our eyes to see the true fruit of our prayer life, and that will be an unforgettable experience.
Jesus, may our fervent prayer hasten our steps to serve You tirelessly.

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