Lord, help me not be complacent but stand firm and uphold your values
31st Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday, 8th November 2024
Phil 3:17—4:1; Ps 121:1-5;
Lk 16:1-8 (Ps Wk III)
Our experience of dealing with day to day affairs demands that, very often, we adjust to fit in the unpredictability of situations. Shrewdness does not mean we can exploit others for a mere pair of sandals. As followers of Christ, the moral teachings of the Church act as a protective benchmark for us not to disfigure the image of people in communion. Our conduct, therefore, as St Paul cautioned the Philippians, cannot be lowered to the level of carnal pleasures, ignoring the human cries from the Cross. He reminded them to imitate his Christ-like examples.
We are invited to consider where our ultimate end will be today! Our longing for citizenship with Christ in heaven needs no delay. This requires us to persevere in firm trust, providential love and rendering care to build the Kingdom of God.
In this respect, the crafty steward in the Gospel acts as an interesting example of our creative effort to attain salvation. It is not about permissive usurping but intense effort to save oneself. It definitely cautions us not to be complacent. Jesus highlights the prudence in averting a potential crisis and threat. It is not that we are called to imitate the steward’s dishonesty, but rather, to learn from his astuteness in building goodwill among his creditors for the sake of everyone’s future. We too can adopt a similar energy and enthusiasm in furthering God’s Kingdom, keeping our ultimate end ever in mind.
Lord, let us not be complacent but stand firm and uphold our Gospel-like values.

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