True discipleship entails seeing the final reward in Jesus, Who gives His life to change the world
31st Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday, 6th November 2024
Phil 2:12-18; Ps 26:1-4, 13-14;
Lk 14:25-33 (Ps Wk III)
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed at the suffering, pain, and injustice in the world. There is so much negativity – what difference could I possibly make? Paul assures us that we can have a great effect just by being a shining light in the world. Be kind; be compassionate; help and encourage others; always have a kind word for others. We do our chores without complaining and arguments. If we do that, we will have a positive effect and we will leave this world a better place. God is at work in us and through us.
It is our thoughts, words, and deeds that make us Christians, not wearing crosses around our neck or repeating pious platitudes. And it should always result in service to others and to the common good. To be a true disciple of Jesus, and not just someone tagging along for the ride, means being willing to sacrifice our comfort, convenience, worldly success and, in extreme cases, even our lives. In the parable, Jesus warns us of this and urges us to be prepared. Being a disciple is not a ticket to an easy life and certainly not a guarantee that you will be free of suffering and heartbreak. Yet, the inner knowledge that your life is pleasing to God and that you are making a difference is itself rewarding. True discipleship entails seeing the final reward in Jesus, Who gives His life to change the world.
Lord, help me to accept my own cross and carry it without shame.

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