St Jerome, Priest & Doctor, pray for us
26th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 30th September 2024
Job 1:6-22; Ps 16:1-3, 6-7;
Lk 9:46-50 (Ps Wk II)
It is unavoidable that arguments arise when we allow our ego and pride to enter the arena of dialogue. What is the deepest desire in our hearts? To be first among equals in every respect? The Gospel provides us with a remedial insight.
The passive and verbal exchange of the disciples of Jesus demonstrates the reality in which we too need to face in Church ministries or in social concerns. The temptation to popularity is masqueraded by the motivation to meet expectations. It is in such tense moments that Jesus’ way of proceeding ought to be imbibed.
Jesus is not after political popularity. His words in the Beatitudes do not lead us to self- aggrandisement or scandal. We need to examine: are we allowing falsity to have an effect on our good agenda? Whatever we do, whether in the church ministry, for society, or for those who are in need of our help, let us always be reminded that it is not for our own popularity but first, for the glory of God. To become a good disciple is never about being a perfectionist, especially in ministry; all that God needs from each one of us is the heart of a trusted servant. A disciple who has a genuine heart like a little child and would welcome everyone to contribute to the joy is a true collaborator in God’s mission indeed.
Lord Jesus, You are our model in every respect, in quietness may we hear Your counsel and exercise our roles wholeheartedly.

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