Sts. Cornelius, Pope & Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs, pray for us
24th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 16th September 2024
1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Ps 39:7-10, 17;
Lk 7:1-10 (Ps Wk IV)
God is immediately attentive to needs upon submission. The Capernaum encounter between Jesus, the representatives of the centurion and the crowds elicits a deeper pondering of God’s unmatched compassion. The question is not why did the centurion bother to call Jesus to heal his servant, but rather, why did Jesus not ignore a Gentile official? Was the testimony of the Jews that the centurion was well respected since he built their synagogue sufficient to convince Jesus?
In the eyes of God, we are all equally provided for. His rain fell on the good and on the bad (Mt 5:45). By this means, God’s mercy has no allergy to whomsoever. It is amply given. He will give and forgive. The difference lies in our submissive disposition towards God’s providence. Hence, conversion that begins must not cease. A healthy submission happens when we realise our finitude, and it points to something inexplicably superior and immanent. It humbles us, and it will not stop to charm us with awe. The question that often perturbs us is, “Did God ignore us and leave us alone in our trying times?”
There is a difference between a repeated arrogant request and a one-time request with total submission. Like the centurion, whose sincerity is indicated by his total trust of Jesus’ commanding and compassionate words against the unworthiness of his status and dwelling depicts a lowly submission. Nothing lowly and sincere is shameful in God’s eyes.
Jesus, help me to duly recognise the lowly and humble submission of others.

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